Ashley Tedham - February 2, 2022

A native Calgarian with a passion for international and community development, Ashley obtained her Bachelor's Degree in Political Science at the University of Calgary in 2007, and a Master's Degree in 2012 at International Affairs at The Graduate Institute in Geneva, Switzerland. 

Over the last ten years, Ashley has worked with various International Organizations in Sierra Leone, Canada, and Switzerland, including the Canadian International Development Agency, the Permanent Mission of the Republic of Korea to the United Nations and World Trade Organization, the World Meteorological Organization and the World Health Organization. 

In 2016 Ashley returned to Calgary and became the Executive Director of the Duke of Edinburgh’s International Award (the Award).  In 2020, Ashley was included in Avenue Magazine's Top 40 Under 40, highlighting the Award's work empowering criminally involved youth through a project she developed called The Youth Resiliency Project.

In April 2021, Ashley took on a new role with Benevity acting as their Senior Global Analysis. Ashley is a committed volunteer with the Tom Jackson Rotary Stay-in-School Program, Dress for Success, University of Calgary Women’s Mentorship Program, and sits on the board of CAUSE Canada.