Jessica Vandenberghe, Assistant Dean, Faculty of Eng. Indigenous Engineering, U of A - March 2, 2023

As Canada continues to awaken and acknowledge the Truth of the oppressive history and racism that exists within the present towards First Nations, Metis, and Inuit Peoples, we all need to see ourselves in the Calls to Action. Jessica Vandenberghe, P.Eng., M.Sc. is born of the Dene Tha First Nation and is a sixties scoop survivor. Her journey to reconnect with her birth family, dealing with intergenerational trauma, everyday racism, while walking in a good way as a Professional Engineer, mother, and Canadian has not been easy. Listen to her share her lived experience of her recent trip to her home community for the first time and what lessons she has learned along the way to persevere, manage stress, and lift others up along the way. 

Jessica Vandenberghe, P.Eng., M.Sc. is born of the Dene Thá First Nation, is a sixties scoop survivor and raised in an inclusive German farming family in northern Alberta. Her exceptional career is based on two engineering degrees from the University of Alberta. She has worked in the oil sands, mining, regulatory, infrastructure, consulting industries and academia. She is the Assistant Dean, Engineering Community and Culture at the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Alberta. Her consulting firm, Guiding Star Consulting walks in a good way with Indigenous Peoples and Communities and those who want to build meaningful relationships to build strong vibrant communities. She is a mother of two and is passionate about ensuring inclusive organizations and equitable frameworks. She sits on many boards and Councils that contribute to STEM outreach, support underrepresented demographics, build capacity and lead to healing, ethical behaviour and trusted relationships.