Frances Wright, Famous 5 Foundation, Women as Nation Builders - January 11, 2023

Frances is very grateful that her parents brought her to Calgary from South Africa when she was six years old. 

After earning a B.A., Psychology/Sociology from the University of Calgary and completing the Canadian Securities Course, Frances moved to Ottawa to work on Parliament Hill and complete an Honours B. Journalism at Carleton.

 Over the years, Frances has launched several businesses - Wright Consultants, Pillow Parlor, PORTS International Men’s & Women’s Clothing stores and now Poot-Wright Consulting specializing in economic development, public engagement and government relations. She has been instrumental in launching charities such as Women’s Justice, Youth Clubs of Calgary, the Famous 5 Foundation and the Canadian Centre for Adult Male Survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (cc4ms).

 In February 2019, Frances completed an18 years old project when the Senate of Canada finally agreed to restore O Canada to its inclusive nature – True patriot love, in ALL of US command!

 From 1996 until 2005, Frances had the pleasure of serving as the Co-Founder and CEO of the Famous 5 Foundation. As of January 1, 2022, Frances became the CEO of the F5F once again in preparation of the 95th Anniversary of the ‘Persons’ Case on Oct. 18, 2024 and she welcomes your suggestions and participation.

 As the happy and proud spouse of Richard Pootmans, Calgary City Councillor for Ward 6, Frances is looking forward to many more years of repaying Canada for allowing her to be a citizen so she can continue to ‘feel equal to high and splendid braveries!’  The F5 pledge!