Dr. Diana Monea
Optometrist and fashion guru
Dr. Diana Monea grew up on a farm in Saskatchewan and then attended the University of Waterloo, graduating with a Doctor of Optometry in 1978. Her practice spanning 40 years has evolved as she leads the way in optometry technology. Dr. Monea operates clinics in both Calgary and Regina.
With a strong passion to operate a progressive clinic, Dr. Monea places the highest value on patient care. Providing the very best diagnostic procedures using digital imaging equipment Beyond the technology, she maintains close relationships with her patients of all ages and now entering the 5th generation of many families. She is known for providing house calls and maintains close communication with patients through personal emails.
Dr. Monea has many charitable causes that she supports. Anna’s Vision donates health exams and glasses to adolescents through the Boys & Girls Clubs of Calgary. She spearheaded the Eye See, Eye Learn project that offers a free pair of glasses to every kindergarten age child in Alberta who needs them. Although her career is remarkable, she often jokes that she works to support her high fashion addiction.